Friday, December 7, 2007

How Do I Go About Finding A Good Church?

Unfortunately, the only exposure many of us have had to a church is seeing someone on TV (who also happened to be a little strange). Others might make a plunge and go to a church because someone invited them. However, we can still have one or more of the following reactions:

  • "What they had to say had nothing to do with the real world."
  • "They used weird talk, lots of words I never heard before."
  • "They didn't really use the Bible, and I didn't learn anything new."
  • "They seemed more interested in my money than anything else."
  • "The music was pretty bad."
  • "They asked the new folks to stand up and introduce themselves."
  • "Frankly, the people I met there seemed a little odd. They also seemed to have their own personal opinion of everything."

The obvious result: few new people return for more.

Actually, church should be:

  • Practical and relevant to today's world.
  • Use normal language.
  • Follow the Bible, using it as their only source of God's truth, and their final authority.
  • Let the visitors know that they are not expected to give any money.
  • Have good music.
  • Allow people to visit the church without putting them "under a spotlight" or have them do something they would not normally do in public.
  • Teach the truth, not existentialism.

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